I was once deeply involved in a Toy Collectors Forum called "Katoots", Designed tonnes of characters and items for the forum to flourish. But sadly, a things come to an end.
Now I have some resentments for the Katoots founders, for some reasons I felt the management "played everyone out" and shut the forum out some to some mismanagement. Thinking back the whole episode is so immature. Anyway that's a rant for another time.
As much as I try to forget Katoots, I cannot bare to forget the creations I did. It's after all my hard work. If noone appreciates it fine, at least I do appreciate my own stuff instead of going into self-destruct mode and close the blog.
This "Kat.E" character is suppose to be some moderator robot for Katoots.
Kat.E is NOT copyright of Katoots. The character belongs to me.