Using the mouse via Paintbrush of Windows 3.0 on my puny Intel 80386DX 33Mhz desktop with whooping 4MB RAM!!
"Teen Trained Tactical Tortoises" still actually my imitation of Kelvin Eastman's & Peter Laird's famous "Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles" franchise. It's supposed to be a darker and grittier version of the childish cartoon series. But alas I was young then and have no idea the comics were already very dark. Due to the childish nature of my imitated storyline, I try to forget that I ever thought them out.
I'll consider this as a tribute and fanart for TMNT.
MY FIRST PIXEL ART!!! Done in one of my sessions in Windows 3.0 where I discover their paintbrush software. I actually zoomed and planted the pixel 1 by 1 to form the artwork. Of course, I used my observations from the graphics of PC games so I roughly knew some of the tricks like different color tones to give windows the 3D effect.
During that time (between 1991 to 1994) paintbrush is like damn powerful already and comes bundled with Windows 3.0 running in just 640x480 resolution. And yes that time the artwork is almost fullscreen.
Due to the pixel nature of the artwork, I saved the artwork in lossless GIF format to preserve the pixels it's originally intended. JPEG tended to messed up pixels due to compression. Do zoom in to see the details :)
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